

I asked myself that question repeatedly when the Lord called me to be a missionary in Malawi. I had been reading a lot about unreached people groups and the 10/40 window. The thought of doing missions in such countries was exciting and, frankly, seemed a lot more logical than coming to a “reached” country. “Why Malawi, Lord?” I asked.

After two years in this country, I think I understand. Of course, there is also the slightly significant matter of obeying the Lord, even when it doesn’t seem to make sense. But apart from that, I now firmly believe that Malawi desperately needs the gospel.

A really good prayer

Let me illustrate using an incident that happened recently when we were visiting one of the displacement camps with basic food supplies and the gospel. One of the Malawians opened for us in prayer. It was a good prayer, really – asking for the Lord to open hearts to truly listen to the word of God and asking it all in Jesus’ name. From the way the others murmured agreement, you would have thought you were among believers.

But as soon as Goodson started sharing the gospel, it became evident that this was not the case. It’s a scenario that I’ve seen repeatedly in this country. Goodson began by asking how one can be right with God. And the answers I’ve heard so often started coming from the crowd – including the one who had led us so nicely in prayer: leave your sin, try to follow the ways of Jesus, repent, love your neighbor, do good works. Even after an explicitly and pointedly clear gospel message from Goodson, one of the men closed in prayer by saying how wonderful it was they could be saved by following God’s law.

The fact is, despite what the statistics from different mission organizations say, Malawi has not been reached with the gospel. Yes, everyone (apart from Muslims) goes to church on Sundays. Yes, everyone (again, apart from Muslims) believes that the Bible is God’s word. And yes, every school (apart from the Madrasas) has a Bible Knowledge class. But the gospel of grace has penetrated very few hearts. Millions of Malawians are desperately lost, completely blind to the truth of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Door wide open for missionaries

Praise God that the door is wide open! Malawians respect the word of God. This provides a good foundation for sharing the gospel – something we have lost in the West. The hardships that characterize the lives of the average Malawian also make them painfully aware that they need God. And there is complete freedom to share the gospel pretty much everywhere: public schools, marketplaces, the list goes on.

But the laborers are few indeed. And so, we ask you to pray with us “for the Lord of the harvest…to send out workers into His harvest field” (Luke 10:2). There is simply too much work for our small team to do. And while we are actively seeking to train Christian Malawians to share in the work of the gospel – and we ask for your prayers for this, as well – there is still a need for many more laborers. The need is overwhelming, and the doors will not be open forever.

Again, I urge, pray “earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38). “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.” John 4:35-36

Harold asks us to pray about the practicalities of the impending Calendar Distribution. We are printing 100,000 calendars in Malawi, and expecting 500,000 to arrive by container in the next couple of weeks, Lord willing.

As the annual rains are now at full strength, it is impossible to use our open-back 2-Ton truck to supply the regional distributors, and our other vehicles are of insufficient capacity for such large volumes. We are investigating some possible solutions, but all are less than ideal.

We are really encouraged to see the increasing interest at the children’s work at Saidi.

Since the MGO day camp in August, the number of children and youth attending has been continued to increase. They now meet as three separate age groups. As you can see from the photos below, one group meets in the msasa (thatch gazebo), while another smaller group meets under a smaller gazebo.The remaining group is meeting in the block-making shed (you can just see the mound of gravel) for lack of space elsewhere.

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The activities of the Trust continued to be seriously affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic for a significant portion of the year. Nevertheless, we are grateful that as travel restrictions began to ease, it was possible for Stephen to visit Malawi twice to review operations there, first in May and again in August.

Stephen’s visit in May was timed to coincide with the arrival in Malawi of Anna Vallance, who has been commended to the work by her assembly in Livonia, MI, USA. It has been a pleasure to welcome her. Her dedication to the work and devotion to the Lord will undoubtedly strengthen the team, particularly as she has joined the Board of the Malawi operation.

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Our 2023 Calendar is in the final design stages. We thank Brian Chalmers Design for their help another year. We think Brian has done a very nice job, don’t you?

We’ve also just heard from Revival Movement (RM) that they have already printed 3 pallets of tracts for us, and are able to help further with our Calendar print this year. What an encouragement! We estimate the commercial value of their last shipment to be £80-90,000. We do not rely exclusively on RM for our printing needs, and always try to make a meaningful contribution towards their costs. Nevertheless, such generous support frees up tens of thousands of pounds for use elsewhere. We have considerable other costs in Malawi: printing, maintaining vehicles, hosting conferences, relief programs, and of course our ongoing building project, so we cannot overstate how big a blessing this help is.

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It was lovely to have Gail’s company in Malawi for a couple of weeks

I love Malawi. I’ll take every opportunity to visit Malawi. But I hope I never have to visit again in the circumstances that made this present trip necessary.

As regular readers know, sister Anna recently suffered a very traumatic burglary and assault at her home. The trustees agreed unanimously that Gail and I should travel to Malawi at the earliest opportunity to support her through this crisis. We also felt it appropriate to review and improve the security of our people and property in Malawi in light of what had happened.

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