

During a recent visit, we met with the women participating in the skills training project at Dzaleka Refugee Camp to better understand how the project is progressing and the impact they feel it will have in their lives. We met with 26 women who are participating in the project which is training them in tailoring, knitting and batik crafts to help generate employment and alleviate poverty. Some of the women are widows and others are young mothers. In addition to the women staying at the camp, there are also two Malawian women benefitting from the project. Overall, the participants are very engaged, and they shared positive feedback and expressed gratitude about being involved in it. 

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We are so thankful for the arrival and discharge of a large consignment of Gospel Literature – 1,000,000 Gospel Calendars and 1,5000,000 Gospel Tracts. A large portion of the Gospel Tracts are brand new designs for Malawi.

Now the real work begins with bulk distribution by commercial courier to our various Regional Storage Depots in Nsanje (seriously affected by Tropical Storm Ana), Mulanje, Lilongwe, Kasungu & Mzuzu, as well as our main hub at Saidi, Thondwe.

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It’s likely that over the past few days you’ve heard mention of Tropical Storm Ana – the cyclone that swept through southern Africa earlier this week, leaving a tremendous amount of destruction in its wake.

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Please pray for a large consignment of calendars and Gospel Tracts which is due to arrive and be discharged shortly.

This will entail a lot of work for the local brothers and prayer is requested for journeying mercies and the stamina and other resources necessary, and that the the literature will be a real blessing to many souls.

Brother Harold advises that school visits will be restarting next week and ask the Lord’s people to pray for help and blessing.

Each child hears a short Gospel presentation and receives a gift of an exercise book with a Gospel message on the cover.

Perhaps you’ve been wondering, as you read about our work in schools, what, precisely, a visit entails.We start by contacting the head of the school to ask if we can come to speak with the students. Without exception we have been welcomed into every school that we have approached. The door is wide open!On the day of the visit, we (try to) show up a bit early, so we can introduce ourselves and explain what we hope to accomplish during our time there. This generally entails a good deal of the formalities that I suspect were learned from our dear British friends. Usually, they are expecting us. Almost always, they aren’t quite yet ready.

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