
Our main areas of investment of time, energy and financial resources are Gospel Literature Publication & Distribution, Children’s Work, Orphan & General Relief Work and Bible Teaching.

  • Bible Teaching Conferences

    Bible Teaching Conferences

    Our annual regional Bible Teaching Conferences have done much to meet the need for systematic Bible Teaching. Many of our literature distribution volunteers have not had the benefit of sound Bible teaching. For each of the past few years we have brought key individuals together for several days of residential teaching. We have focussed onRead…

  • Children’s & Youth Ministry

    Children’s & Youth Ministry

    We believe passionately in the value of reaching young people with the Gospel. We continue to invest time, energy and financial resources in Children’s and Youth Ministry, including: A young soul saved is a life preserved! BES Bible Time The aspect of Children’s and Youth Ministry which really excites us is the development of BES BibleRead…

  • Gospel Literature

    Gospel Literature

    Gospel Literature is at the heart of what we do. We give thanks as we see how the Lord has richly blessed the literature work. From humble beginnings, SALT’s Gospel Calendars, Tracts and other publications now reach almost every district in Malawi. We mainly focus on evangelistic materials, supporting our vision to Enlighten, Encourage and EmpowerRead…

  • Malawi Gospel Outreach – MGO

    Malawi Gospel Outreach – MGO

    Malawi Gospel Outreach (MGO) is one of the highlights of the year at SALT. Each August since 2013 we have arranged a two-week outreach event which most participants agree is a life-changing experience. Our outreach activities have involved: It’s not an exaggeration to say that tens (probably hundreds) of thousands of people have been impactedRead…

  • Orphan Care & Relief

    Orphan Care & Relief

    SALT’s Orphan Care ministry supports children who are refugees from conflict in various central African countries. In partnership with local Christians based at the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa, SALT provides a daily meal for around 95 acutely vulnerable orphan children.  It would be impossible to exaggerate the plight of these children, most of whomRead…

  • Prison Ministry

    Prison Ministry

    Prison Ministry is a small, but important part of what SALT does. We have been supporting the spread of the Gospel throughout the Malawi Prison system since 2016. We do this by supplying Bible Correspondence Courses, Prison Hygiene packs and other aid.  The Management and Officers of MPS face serious challenges in running the serviceRead…