
Bible Teaching Conferences

Our annual regional Bible Teaching Conferences have done much to meet the need for systematic Bible Teaching.

Many of our literature distribution volunteers have not had the benefit of sound Bible teaching.

For each of the past few years we have brought key individuals together for several days of residential teaching. We have focussed on fundamental doctrines of the Gospel and New Testament Church practice.

In the past we have had to limit the number of participants due to the constraints of having to accommodate delegates in B&B accommodation and feed them in restaurants. We are excited about the possibility that we will soon be able to welcome many more delegates to our Bible Teaching Conferences when we have our own facility at the Saidi site.

Recent Posts about our Bible teaching Conferences

  • 2024 Bible Conference – These lessons have really blessed me spiritually
    Brother Mtambo explains how he’s been blessed by the Bible Conference. He also wishes that the ministry could spread, even to his home in Mozambique.
  • Conference Feedback  
    Reflections from the team and feedback from all who took part in the recent Bible conference point to it being a time of great blessing from the Lord. Perhaps one reason that this year’s Bible conference was particularly encouraging was the way it aligned with SALT’s vision. It was incredibly fulfilling to have time together
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  • Give Thanks: Bible Teaching Conference a Great Blessing
    We praise God for a very profitable Bible Conference. Over 50 of our literature distribution volunteers came for a week of teaching – some from as far as Mozambique. Many more would have come, but we were constrained by lack of accommodation, and the need to help almost all with their travel expenses. Many of
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  • 2024 Conference – We’re not leaving the same
    Brother Phiri explains how he’s benefitted from the conference
  • 2024 Bible Conference – A Time of Blessing
    We praise the Lord for a very enjoyable and profitable week of teaching at our 2024 Bible Conference. After an unavoidable hiatus due to Covid and cyclones, it was wonderful to host over 50 of our volunteer literature distributors for a week in the Word of God. We took the entire letter of 1Corinthians as
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  • Pray: Upcoming Bible Teaching Conference
    Please pray as Bros Stephen and Mark travel to Malawi this week in anticipation of the Bible Teaching conference at Saidi, commencing on 29 April, God willing. This will be the first conference to take place since before Covid, and we are earnestly seeking blessing as a result.

Conference Gallery