
Pray with us

We especially value the prayers of God’s people.

Many of our supporters remember the work every day, but even an occasional place in your prayers is appreciated.

Suggested weekly prayer schedule

Outreach at SaidiNationwide Literature DistributionSchool VisitsDzaleka Refugee CampTranslation WorkLocal WorkersBuilding Project

Latest Prayer Points

  • Pray

    Pray: Meeting to re-energise Emmaus Correspondence Ministry

    Please pray for a fruitful meeting with the Emmaus International Coordinator and other key stakeholders aimed at re-energising the extremely useful Emmaus Correspondence Ministry which has been stalled for a while in Malawi. Emmaus is a really good fit with the Gospel literature ministry which is at the core of what SALT does, and theRead…

  • Pray

    Pray: Safe & Speedy arrival of New Toyota Land Cruiser

    We have just received notice that the new Toyota Land Cruiser we ordered several months ago is due to be shipped from Gibraltar on 22 June. Please pray for its safe transit by sea to Durban and then by road to Malawi. It is expected in-country by early August. This will be a huge benefitRead…

  • Pray

    Prayer Request: Water supply has failed at Saidi

    The extremely poor rainy season has resulted in the borehole at Saidi running dry. This affects the operations on-site, as well as the many villagers who have become accustomed to using the free water we supply. It will be at least 5 months before rain is expected and there is any prospect of the waterRead…

  • Pray

    Pray: Guidance regarding development of NYB and schools ministry

    Anna requests prayer for the Lord to give clear direction for the development of the work in schools and with the Nthawi Ya Baibulo (Bibletime) curriculum, as we anticipate a new phase in the next few months. Note: Translation & editing of the 3-year Bible Time curriculum is at an advanced stage. We are hopingRead…

  • Pray

    Pray: Further Baptisms planned at Saidi

    Brother Goodson asks us to pray for the planned Baptism next Lord’s Day (23 June) at Saidi when it is expected that a further 9 believers will obey the Lord. We give thanks for this further evidence of fruit following the preaching of the Gospel. Also continue to pray for blessing upon the conference weekRead…

  • Special Prayer Request: Malawi Vice President Confirmed Dead in Plane Crash

    Saulous Chilima, Vice President of Malawi has died in a plane crash in the northern part of the country. As well as praying for his family at this difficult time of personal loss, also pray for political stability. Relations between the President and Vice-President have been strained, and any speculation about the cause of theRead…

Latest Praise Points

  • Give Thanks: Unexpected Progress with Angel’s Recovery

    Angel had a follow up appointment with her surgeon last week. She said it was a positive meeting and the surgeon said she was surprised to see that the bone seems to have started growing back! Angel’s had a couple of physiotherapy sessions over the past weeks which were quite challenging, but thanks be toRead…

  • Give Thanks: Encouraging trip to BES Conference

    Anna says: “I am thankful for a safe and incredibly encouraging trip to attend the BES Conference in Northern Ireland.” Give thanks for journeying mercies and for the encouragement received. Note: BES provide the Postal Bible School curriculum which we are already using in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp (Swahili language), and which is in processRead…

  • Pray Featured image

    Give Thanks / Pray: Angel’s Recovery

    We are glad to report that Angel is recovering following her recent car accident and surgery. We were glad that she was able to get good care at a private hospital in Blantyre, although her planned surgery was seriously delayed on the day. Angel returned to work at the beginning of the week, but sheRead…

  • Give Thanks: Bible Teaching Conference a Great Blessing

    We praise God for a very profitable Bible Conference. Over 50 of our literature distribution volunteers came for a week of teaching – some from as far as Mozambique. Many more would have come, but we were constrained by lack of accommodation, and the need to help almost all with their travel expenses. Many ofRead…

  • Give Thanks – Police arrested the occupants of the suspect vehicle

    Anna writes: Praise report! The police arrested the drivers of the truck [which had entered her property a couple of weeks back] today and brought them to Thondwe so we could meet with them. And…it turns out their story [they claimed to be investigating poor cell network coverage in the area] is actually true! SoRead…

  • Give Thanks for safe trip

    Anna writes: We are thankful for a safe trip to and from Lilongwe, in which we were able to distribute and shift some literature.