We especially value the prayers of God’s people.
Many of our supporters remember the work every day, but even an occasional place in your prayers is appreciated.
Suggested weekly prayer schedule
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Outreach at Saidi | Nationwide Literature Distribution | School Visits | Dzaleka Refugee Camp | Translation Work | Local Workers | Building Project |
Latest Prayer Points
Trustee Planning and Development Workshop (7-10 April)
As we look ahead to the future of SALT, we are excited to gather for our Trustee Planning and Development Workshop at Roe Park Resort. This strategic event will bring together UK Trustees, key volunteers, and, hopefully, one or two representatives from the Malawi Board. This workshop will serve as a crucial time of reflection,Read…
Pray – Immigration Delays
Anna writes: “Please continue to pray for the approval of my permit (going on a year now) and Harold’s passport. I’m hoping to visit immigration when in Lilongwe this week, but I think ultimately the Lord needs to intervene.”
Give Thanks / Pray: Nthawi ya Baibulo arriving
The Nthawi ya Baibulo (BibleTime) lessons and literature container is arriving today in Thondwe. While celebrating this, prayers are requested for the safe arrival of two additional containers. We believe that these resources will significantly bless many young people in Malawi.
Pray: Various Christmas Programs
Please remember to pray for various Christmas programs taking place over the next few days. The children’s and teens’ programs have already taken place on Friday / Saturday past, but there will be another meeting at Saidi on Christmas Day. These are great opportunities to preach the Gospel and to share a little practical loveRead…
Pray: Container Delays & Anna’s Work Permit
Anna writes: “Please pray for a somewhat timely arrival of containers. One appears to be delayed in Mozambique due to the tensions there. “Also, please pray for the approval of my work permit, which has been sitting in government for the last nine months.” Note: We have three containers en route to Malawi – twoRead…
Pray: Registration process for new Landcruiser
We are so thankful that the new 4×4 Landcruiser we have been waiting on has finally reached Malawi. It is presently in bonded storage but is expected to finally clear customs and proceed to the dealership for pre-delivery inspection in the next couple of days. It will then go for registration at the Road TrafficRead…
Latest Praise Points
Give Thanks / Pray: Nthawi ya Baibulo arriving
The Nthawi ya Baibulo (BibleTime) lessons and literature container is arriving today in Thondwe. While celebrating this, prayers are requested for the safe arrival of two additional containers. We believe that these resources will significantly bless many young people in Malawi.
Give Thanks – interest in children’s & teen Bible classes
Anna says: “We are thankful for sustained and growing interest in the children’s/teen Bible classes! There are always new faces and also “the regulars” who never miss a week.”
Give Thanks – Nthawi ya Baibulo (Bible Time) Translation Complete
Anna says: “We are thankful that the translator has finished the final section of Bibletime! Please pray for the revision and design stage to go smoothly.” Comment: This is a significant milestone, and a cause for much thanksgiving. Not only does it mean that the Bible Time project is nearing completion, but it also freesRead…
Give Thanks & Pray: Arrival of new Landcruiser
As we give thanks and rejoice in the Lord’s provision, please continue to pray for the last leg of the long process to purchase a new Toyota Landcruiser utility vehicle for benefit of the work in Malawi. The vehicle eventually arrived at the Malawi border late last week and the process of customs clearance andRead…
Give Thanks: Concessionary tax rates granted on new Landcruiser
Thank you so much for praying – we recently received confirmation that the authorities have granted concessionary rates of import tax & duties, reducing the potential tax burden from almost US$50,000 (as much as the price of the vehicle) to only $12,500! We were far from certain that the concession would be granted, and theRead…
Give Thanks: Unexpected Progress with Angel’s Recovery
Angel had a follow up appointment with her surgeon last week. She said it was a positive meeting and the surgeon said she was surprised to see that the bone seems to have started growing back! Angel’s had a couple of physiotherapy sessions over the past weeks which were quite challenging, but thanks be toRead…