

This morning (11 August) we went to a small church about 1/2 hr away. Stephen was asked to give ministry to the believers, and a local elder was responsible to preach the Gospel. It was very disappointing to hear him preach that salvation is by continuing to do good works – going against everything our faith is founded on – that salvation is not by works but by grace alone. Although they call themselves a Gospel Hall, they are clearly missing first base. Apparently this is a very common error throughout Malawi.

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On our way to Dedza prison today we saw a large truck that had just rolled over. The people of the village thought it was their lucky day as it was full of beer and they were going crazy removing all unbroken bottles, free of charge! For some distance after the accident we saw people carrying their loot away in a big hurry. Strangely on our way home the area was very quiet. I was a bit concerned that the people were more concerned about the loot than the driver and I sure hope no one was crushed under it as people walk and bike along the roads.

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Whenever I come to Malawi, what strikes me is the thousands of children who have an open ear for the gospel.

There is so much potential, if only someone will come and pour the word of God into their precious hearts.

This morning we did a big distribution of gospel texts near the bus depot in Devil Street, Lilongwe. It was very busy.

I had a guy wanting to marry me, when I told him I was already married he asked me if I had a sister, I told him she was already married too!! Quite the interesting morning!!

We had some good conversations with people too. And one of the girls in our group from Zambia saw someone from her village, he recognized her first. Its a small world!

When we got back for lunch quite a few were not feeling the greatest so it was decided to have a quiet afternoon to rest, so we did.

During our bible study tonight in Philippians chapter 1 I was challenged with a comment that was made “it’s not about what’s wrong with something but how will glory be brought to Christ in it?”

Here is the picture of the day (lady with bananas on her head) and a few more pics. Please pray for health restored asap… not just to us but for everyone in our group. Thx so much!

(Contributed by Sheryl, Wed 14th August.)


I really must apologise. MGO 2019 is more than half-way through, and I still haven’t posted an update.  I’m not sure whether that’s a reflection of the hotter-than-usual weather, the more manic-than-usual environment that is Lilongwe, or just that I’m getting too long in the tooth for this stuff 🙂

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-12 at 17.18.12We are so thankful to the Lord for a great team of enthusiastic and energetic (at least for the first few days) volunteers.  They’ve assembled from N.Ireland, England, Scotland Canada and USA but gelled together almost instantly – a real testimony to the grace of God which has made us brothers and sisters in Christ.

Lilongwe is a chaotic, bustling African capital city, and it has been unseasonably hot, with daily temperatures in the high 20s or low 30s (Celcius), which together with the altitude and very dry atmosphere has posed its own problems.

Nevertheless, we have managed to distribute many thousand of John 3:16 texts and thousands more have heard the Gospel preached clearly and plainly in many parts of the city.

I’m going to try to catch up on some posts over the next couple of days, and am grateful to those of the team who have contributed photos of blog posts, which I’ll be reproducing here.  Please keep an eye on this page for updates.

When Cyclone Idai hit Malawi and neighbouring countries in March this year, experience had taught us that the real problems would manifest themselves in the months, rather than days that followed. These events have a “long tail”.

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It’s exactly one month, Lord willing, until we hope to hit the streets of Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe, for Seed Sowers distribution and Gospel preaching.

We are looking forward to being joined by a great team of volunteers from UK, USA and Canada.

In the meantime, please pray for the Lord’s help as we make the final preparations, for safe and trouble free travel for the team, and for rich blessing upon the Word once we begin.