
Gospel Literature

Gospel Literature is at the heart of what we do.

We give thanks as we see how the Lord has richly blessed the literature work. From humble beginnings, SALT’s Gospel Calendars, Tracts and other publications now reach almost every district in Malawi.

We mainly focus on evangelistic materials, supporting our vision to Enlighten, Encourage and Empower local believers to fulfil their part in the Great Commission.

Our annual Gospel Calendar circulation is now over 1,000,000, and we have an ever-expanding range of Gospel Tracts and other publications. We supply these, completely free of charge, to a growing network of hundreds of volunteer distributors across the country. They are the real heroes of the work.

We will never know the real value of this work this side of eternity. However many people have given testimony to the transforming power of God as a result of literature received. We rest in God’s unfailing promise that My Word shall not return unto me void!”

Latest Posts about Literature Ministry

  • August Outreach 2024

    August Outreach 2024

    Who said there was no MGO 2024? Last month, brothers from the Saidi assembly visited nearby markets for open-air preaching and distributed Seedsower texts – it’s exciting to see local brothers taking initiative! Here are some pictures: Learn more about MGO here.

  • Mr Ntantha tells how the conference opened his understanding

    Mr Ntantha tells how the conference opened his understanding

    Brother Harold shared this encouraging note after trip to the Lower Shire region to distribute literature. Hi everyone, the Lord knows that it’s good to be encouraged for us to continue to serve him with renewed energy and joy. Today in the afternoon on my trip to the lower shire to supply literature and toRead…

  • Give Thanks & Pray: Arrival of new Landcruiser

    Give Thanks & Pray: Arrival of new Landcruiser

    As we give thanks and rejoice in the Lord’s provision, please continue to pray for the last leg of the long process to purchase a new Toyota Landcruiser utility vehicle for benefit of the work in Malawi. The vehicle eventually arrived at the Malawi border late last week and the process of customs clearance andRead…

  • Pray: 1 of 3 Container Shipments Enroute

    Pray: 1 of 3 Container Shipments Enroute

    Please pray for the safe and speedy transit of the first of 3 shipments expected to arrive before the end of the year (DV). This has just been sent. and contains a significant portion of our 2025 Gospel Calendars (around 500,000), 42 boxes of Gospels and around 50 boxes of prison hygiene packs. Later thisRead…

  • Real Missionary Work (??)

    Real Missionary Work (??)

    Does network troubleshooting constitute “real missionary work”? As always, it’s been a joy to be back in Malawi. Today is the midpoint of a short trip which has already proved to be extremely valuable. I often feel frustrated that so much of my time seems to taken up with admin and planning, and not the…

  • Meet Goliat Chisowa

    Meet Goliat Chisowa

    Meet Goliat Chisowa, a gospel literature distributor from the southern region of Malawi. Transcript: My name is Goliat Chisowa, I stay in Mwatheta village.   I have a family. I have six children.   Calendars help us, we give them to students so they can know the date.   The tracts encourage us because not everyone has aRead…

All Posts about Literature Ministry