We believe passionately in the value of reaching young people with the Gospel. We continue to invest time, energy and financial resources in Children’s and Youth Ministry, including:
- 300-strong (& growing Children / Youth group at Saidi)
- Monthly Child-Headed Households group
- School Visits
- Orphan Care Ministry
A young soul saved is a life preserved!

BES Bible Time
The aspect of Children’s and Youth Ministry which really excites us is the development of BES Bible Time lessons. We are already running a Swahili-language Bible Time program in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp, and work is well underway to translate the whole curriculum into Chichewa, for use across the nation of Malawi. We envisage that these lessons will be used:
- In Sunday school curriculums
- In Bible Knowledge classes within the regular school curriculum
- By after-school cubs
- By individual children / families with an interest in learning the Word of God
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