

Dave & Kari reflect on their visit to Malawi

Dave & Kari share their thoughts on their visit to Malawi in March 2024.

Dave is from a farming background. He has an interest in sustainable farming and how simple techniques can be used to improve yields and thereby food security.


Hey, everyone

Stephen had asked us if we would just put a short video together for you all to be able to, just hear our thoughts and our first impression of our visit to Malawi

I think for, for both of us when we first arrived in the country, the one of the first things we noticed was the beauty of the country, mountainous, hilly

We would call them mountains, from from where we live in Ontario. a beautiful country. it’s densely populated

That’s the one thing that we both felt. having lots of people, lots of opportunities also to be able to share the gospel. we got to go to, a couple of schools and, and share the gospel with, with the kids there

We handed out some literature there as well. then some calendars calendars. yeah

The kids are pretty excited about that. when we arrived, the container with, Christian literature, had arrived yet and I know Stephen was, disappointed because he wanted us to be able to experience that. seeing the logistics of how everything works with, handing, the literature out throughout the country and to be a part of that would have been, would have been pretty neat. it was nice to be able to first take in salt and go to the facilities and see the buildings and, and the layout of the land and the farm and, what your hoping to, to do there. and of course, with my farming background that was, neat to kind of get the wheels turning and, and see the opportunities that, are before you there with, being able to grow food for people

I think there’s, a lot of potential with, with what you’ve got there for a layout on your property and, use that for, for the Lord’s work. we we had a chance to go up to Lilongwe and to the, refugee camp

We able to take that and and tour around a wee bit just to see what it’s like

I’ve never been both of us have never been to a refugee camp before

I really enjoyed, having the opportunity to see the ladies and at their sewing machines when we first went in, and, and, they quickly brought it bags of things that they had sewn

And that was really cool

I just felt like I really made a connection there with some of those ladies, and, it was really special, a really neat opportunity

It’s neat how you can connect, so quickly, I find with, with people. when you come down to their level and, and, you take an interest in what they’re doing, the kids feeding program, that was, that was an eye opening experience for myself

I remember getting a little teary eyed, as I was handing out the food, just, to see these children, you know, literally having nothing or very little and and to be able to provide, a meal for them and to be able to share the gospel with them

So, yeah, overall, we had a really good a good trip, a good time

I’m just grateful for Stephen’s. kindness and taking us around, driving us around and we’re thankful the Lord kept us safe and provided a vehicle for us to be able to do that with, even though it did break down a couple of times

Nothing too major

We’re thankful for Stephen’s, hospitality and kindness and and, willingness to, to give us, a tour of the country part of it

Anyway, so it was it was a fun experience

Yeah. we’re going to be in prayer for you guys, Yeah

Well, I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but we would ask your prayers as well. as we were seeking for what the Lord would, would have for us, so

Anyways, thanks so much


Thank you, thank you


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