
photo of people doing handshakes

As we look ahead to the future of SALT, we are excited to gather for our Trustee Planning and Development Workshop at Roe Park Resort. This strategic event will bring together UK Trustees, key volunteers, and, hopefully, one or two representatives from the Malawi Board. This workshop will serve as a crucial time of reflection, planning, and collaboration as we chart the path for the next phase of the work.

Workshop Overview

The workshop will span several days, filled with prayer, discussions, and strategic planning sessions. The agenda is designed to assess our progress, refine our vision, and strengthen our governance structure. Key topics include:

  • Reviewing our progress – A comprehensive report from Malawi representatives will highlight successes, challenges, and the road ahead.
  • Strategic Vision for the Next Five Years – Through analysis and group discussions, we will determine where to focus our efforts, who we need to reach, and how to measure impact.
  • Strengthening Team Collaboration – We will explore ways to enhance teamwork, streamline internal and external processes, and apply Lean management principles for better efficiency.
  • Governance and Financial Oversight – Sessions on board effectiveness, financial accountability, and risk management will ensure we continue to operate with integrity and excellence.
  • Empowering SALT Malawi – Succession planning, leadership development, and training needs will be key discussion points.
  • Reflection and Moving Forward – As the workshop concludes, we will consolidate our learnings and set clear priorities for the coming year.

Why This Matters

This gathering is more than just a series of meetings; it is an opportunity to renew our commitment to SALT’s mission and strengthen the bonds among our team members. With representatives from both the UK and Malawi, we aim to foster a shared vision that ensures long-term sustainability and effectiveness in our work.

We look forward to fruitful discussions, meaningful connections, and a renewed sense of purpose as we move forward together. Stay tuned for updates from the workshop! And please pray that the time will for the blessing of the work, and for the glory of God!

We are pleased to inform that we have added two venues to our itinerary. You now have four to choose from, so hopefully you will find one near you!

These events should be excellent opportunities to meet key representatives of the Lord’s work in Malawi. We believe you will be encouraged to learn what the Lord has been doing, and better informed as you continue in prayer for us.

Registration is essential to help us with planning. Please click here and choose the venue which suits you.

We are delighted to invite SALT supporters in Northern Ireland to either of our Open Nights, planned for 9th & 10th April in Limavady & Lisburn respectively.

God willing, we are looking forward to Harold Makawa and Anna Vallance joining us from Malawi, as well as some of the other volunteers who work behind the scenes to make possible so many aspects of what SALT does.

This should be a great opportunity to meet the Trustees and hear first-hand updates from some of those working “on-the-ground”. We believe you will be encouraged to learn what the Lord has been doing, and will be enabled to pray more intelligently for the work and workers.

The evening will include:

  • Updates on ongoing projects and initiatives in Malawi
  • An introduction to the Trustees and key team members
  • A look ahead at future plans and developments
  • A short devotional message to encourage in the work of the Lord

These events are free to all, however we kindly ask you to help us with planning by registering for the even of your choice.

If you aren’t in Northern Ireland and would be interested in an Open Day / Night near you – please get in touch!

Please remember to pray for various Christmas programs taking place over the next few days.

The children’s and teens’ programs have already taken place on Friday / Saturday past, but there will be another meeting at Saidi on Christmas Day.

These are great opportunities to preach the Gospel and to share a little practical love and encouragement for people going through a very difficult time in Malawi.

It’s hard to believe, but SALT is now six years old!

Although 30 September is our official year-end, SALT was actually incorporated on 21 September 2018 as Stephen & Gail Harper, missionaries to Malawi for over 20 years, were on a short retreat in The Trossachs, Scotland, with Jim & Janet McMaster.

The idea to form SALT was conceived because of the need to strengthen the base of the Gospel Literature ministry in Malawi. The Lord has honoured and blessed that decision in more ways than we could enumerate.

What began as a very modest exercise to distribute a few Gospel Tracts and Calendars now reaches almost every part of the country – and continues to expand.

Our Vision and Values remain unchanged as we seek to Enlighten, Encourage and Empower indigenous believers to fulfil their part in the great commission.

Please take a moment and give thanks with us for all the Lord’s blessing!

Who said there was no MGO 2024? Last month, brothers from the Saidi assembly visited nearby markets for open-air preaching and distributed Seedsower texts – it’s exciting to see local brothers taking initiative! Here are some pictures:

Learn more about MGO here.

harold stands with literature distributors from the lower shire

Brother Harold shared this encouraging note after trip to the Lower Shire region to distribute literature.

Hi everyone, the Lord knows that it’s good to be encouraged for us to continue to serve him with renewed energy and joy. Today in the afternoon on my trip to the lower shire to supply literature and to replenish the literature stock in the container at Bangula. I met this man Mr Ntantha who spoke so sincerely how he was very much blessed by the conference in the book of Corinthians and how this opened his understanding of the book. After the conference he read through the book thoroughly and ever since he has been teaching the book at his church in Sunday school time. He has lamented the fact that this was his first ever conference with Salt and how he feel to have missed alot on the other three conferences he never attended. It was very fulfilling to listen to his comments on the conference and its impact on him. He asked and encouraged Salt to continue such holding such meetings of extensive and yet profound bible teaching. Can anything bring more joy and fulfilment than this?

Does network troubleshooting constitute “real missionary work”?

As always, it’s been a joy to be back in Malawi. Today is the midpoint of a short trip which has already proved to be extremely valuable. I often feel frustrated that so much of my time seems to taken up with admin and planning, and not the “real missionary work” of preaching and teaching. Then I remember that Paul wrote, “there are varieties of service, but the same Lord” (1 Corinthians 12:5) and how he often commended the tireless efforts of many who evidently laboured behind the scenes, whom he was happy to call “co-workers”.

Although my last visit was very much about the “real missionary work”, this visit has been more about necessary “behind the scenes” activity. We’ve spent a lot of time reviewing the conference in May, and how to add value to something which was evidently of great profit to many. We have also spent much time thinking about the much-anticipated launch of Nthawi Ya Baibulo (Bible Time), which gets closer with each passing week. There is already a lot of interest in NYB, and we want to make sure that we manage the roll-out carefully.

In addition to this, SALT has recently taken overall responsibility for the Emmaus work in Malawi. Although a phenomenally valuable teaching and discipleship resource, Emmaus has failed to reach its potential in Malawi due to the absence of a national coordinator for the past 7 or 8 years. Please pray for Anna who has accepted this responsibility on behalf of SALT, on top of her already-busy schedule.

Yesterday, we met with Gibson, our main literature translator. I’ve worked on and off with Gibson for many years, but he and Anna have done a fantastic job over these past 2-3 years, cooperating on the NYB translation.  With less than one month’s work remaining (by his estimate) we are looking forward to letting him loose on some other important translation projects.

To be honest, although I do often feel frustrated that I’m unable to do as much of the real missionary work that I love, I am humbled, and sometimes rebuked when I think of all that the Lord has privileged me to be involved with here. The work has grown beyond recognition, and maintaining that necessarily involves a lot of tedious and “unrewarding” effort, which the Lord graciously blesses.

Mark has recently volunteered his experience

I’ve been very happy to be accompanied by Bro Mark Beach, who has recently volunteered his extensive experience in missionary literature work. Mark has been involved for many years in various aspects of Christian work, most recently leading Everday Publications Inc, highly regarded in assembly missionary circles for their helpful resources in “Everyday English”. He also brings his experience in accounting and bookkeeping, which has already lifted a great burden off my shoulders. I believe that with his help and your prayers, the work will go forward from strength to strength.

I shouldn’t forget that there was some “real missionary work” on Wednesday, when we had a visit at one of the prisons, around an hour’s drive from base. What a thrill as around 350 inmates sat attentively listening to the Word of God. Pray that the gifts of a hygiene pack left with each will be a blessing. Each pack contains a leaflet with a simple Gospel message. And, of course, I’m looking forward to being with the assembly at Saidi tomorrow, when doubtless I’ll have opportunity to share the Word of God with them.

Thanks for all your prayers.

Meet Goliat Chisowa, a gospel literature distributor from the southern region of Malawi.


My name is Goliat Chisowa, I stay in Mwatheta village.  

I have a family. I have six children.  

Calendars help us, we give them to students so they can know the date.  

The tracts encourage us because not everyone has a Bible. The tracts encourage us in the Word. For example, the tract “Going to Hell is your own choice”. So, where we may not have Bibles, we make use of the tract.