It was an immense joy for me to sit down to break bread for the first time with the young assembly at Saidi this morning.
The Lord has really been blessing the work there. It is thrilling to see the beginnings of a spiritual harvest after years of sowing.
A big part of me would dearly have loved to be present a few weeks ago for the inaugural breaking of bread. However, I remind myself that the saints here have done exactly as I’ve always taught them they should do. That is, to seek to honour and obey the Lord, and to look to His Word alone for their guidance. To value the Lord’s presence above the presence of any missionary. And so I am glad that they did not feel that they needed a visitor’s blessing in order to begin meeting as an assembly. But I would still have loved to have been there!
Just a “large handful” of believers presently comprise the assembly. Recently, seventeen others asked for baptism and to join the fellowship. Brother Goodson has begun the process of hearing the testimonies of those interested. In conversation a couple of days ago he was telling me how impressed he is with the level of understanding of the Gospel. Many others come regularly to hear the Gospel, and today there were several new faces, as there are every week. It was a privilege to be able to share the Gospel with them… Wodala munthuyo wokhululukidwa tchimo lake; wokwiriridwa choipa chake! Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Amen!
Goodson also mentioned that other nearby churches are surprised how many abambo (men) consistently attend the meetings there. Most other churches are mainly comprised of women. However, at Saidi it’s around a 50/50 split. Goodson rightly attributes to the fact that the Lord is at work.
Over the next week, we plan to have Gospel meetings at the site each afternoon. Please pray that this would be a means in the Lord’s had to reach more unsaved, and to establish those who have professed faith. The believers have distributed many invitations.
We praise the Lord for all he is doing.