

Harold – MGO has opened so many doors

Harold explains why he’s so enthusiastic about MGO – it has opened so many doors

Recorded October 2023


2023 MGO was just like any other MGO – special in such a way that MGO’s are always different but this time we think of the MGO that was with the few people that participated and we were just thinking of how I was going to try and do what we have been doing in the past with the the few of us

But like Gideon we were able to see that the Lord is not very much interested in the numbers but the commitment and the trust that we have in him

He is able to do [the same that] he can do with many people with a few people

And so 2023 MGO was such a great encouragement to to me because we saw the Lord did a lot through a few people who were committed to do the job

I was encouraged with the order we have seen especially when it came to the kids the Children’s Day there was good order and it was such an encouragement to see lots of children sitting under the Word of God and listening attentively

I think the Lord gave much help and so I was really encouraged to see that many children

MGO is a vehicle which has opened so many doors when it comes to service to the Lord we just pray that the Lord will continue to not just open these doors but we take time to fully utilize those doors

There are school programs that have been opened because of MGO

There are hospital visits and time of gospel in the hospitals that was opened because of MGO also prisons such an important place to be to preach the gospel to prisoners

The Lord through MGO has been able to open so many doors

And we pray that the Lord will help us to fully take advantage of spreading the gospel strategically in these places

Harold explains why he’s so enthusiastic about MGO – it has opened so many doors Recorded October 2023 Transcript 2023 MGO was just like any other MGO – special in such a way that MGO’s are always different but this time we think of the MGO that was with the few people that participated and

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