Goodson explains how the building works at Saidi have already been so helpful. He asks brothers and sister to pray about the future needs of the Building project
Recorded October 2023
For all the buildings here it’s encouraged me because right now we have a printing room an office now we have our stores so you’ll see the container there and also we have the Msasa
So all these houses [are] help[ing] us
People they need to pray for us because we have so many works here we are looking for the gospel hall that we plan to start the building I’m not sure if we can start this year but we plan to start the gospel hall
So people they need to pray about this myself I cannot do anything myself so I believe in the fellowship If we can work together we can manage to do something
So everyone who have a chance to help and work of the Lord here in Malawi It is a good time to take part
And I pray for other brothers and sisters who was not here in Malawi even other countries remember Malawi sometimes when you are gathered together to pray
The Saidi Building project hasn’t exactly been at a stand-still so much as a go-slow over the past few months.
We’ve had an exceptionally wet wet-season, and this certainly put the brakes on the building work. Which wasn’t a bad thing, really. As we’ve reported elsewhere, the spiritual work at Saidi has been growing steadily. Since MGO 2022, more and more children have been coming to the weeking Bible club. Similarly, the mid-week adults’ Bible has been growing, and we now have a Gospel meeting on site every Sunday morning.
Brother Goodson has a lot of responsibility for all of this work, which has been taking up more and more of his time. Recently he organised a program to visit each of the families to get to know them in their own homes.
On top of all that there was the huge task of distributing our 2023 Gospel Calendar – a major effort in itself.
Nevertheless, Goodson and his building team have managed to make good progress on the perimeter wall, which is now much nearer completion.
Goodson’s house and the container bay – with partially completed workshopView of msasa from south – with block wall to the right (needs raised)View of site from north with office & print room (r) & block-making shed
Distraction from spiritual work
This continuous work has been an additional burden on Goodson, our de facto building project manager – one which he has shouldered gladly. However, we are all agreed that we must not allow the building project to distract us from our mission. The infrastructure is intended to support the mission. It is not the mission.
Going forward, we will have to find the balance between the cost savings we can achieve by doing the in-house, and the effect that inevitably has on our ability to press on with the spiritual work. Please pray.
Planning the way forward
In the meantime, we have been working behind the scenes. Our local architect, Jackson, is well on with the development proposal for the entire building project. This should be ready for publication shortly – watch this space. Jackson is putting us in touch with a Quantity Surveyor who will help us cost some of the major parts of the project. This will help us have a better idea of an overall budget for the project. We know it’s likely to be significant.
The prolific rains also prevented a drone survey of the site we had commissioned several months ago. Carl was finally able to do it last week when the Lord graciously granted a break in the weather. The results are incredible and will be of enormous help to the planning team. I have included some of the drone images in this article, and hope to share some of the more complex 3D modelling at a later stage.
Area designated for Gospel Hall (top-r)Entrance to the site – notice the deep gulleys caused by heavy rain
Next steps in the building project
Some months ago we started work on a maintenance workshop and store. It still needs to be roofed and finished internally. We aim to do that over the next couple of months, with a view to using it temporarily as a dormitory when we hold our Bible teaching conference in May (DV). We also need to refit our block workshop for the same purpose.
The building project team will also continue work on the perimeter wall. We want to section off the area where we intend to build a Gospel Hall, in such a way that it will be outside the main perimeter. And the section which runs along the eastern side of the site, next to the main road, needs to be raised with a steel railing on top of the existing block wall.
Apart from that, when we complete the maize harvest, we want to build some simple staff quarters. If we can finish that on time, they will also double as dormitory accommodation for the conference.
SW perimeter wall (looking north)SE perimeter wall – the staff quarters will probably be constructed somewhere in this area
With each visit, I am amazed at the on-site progress at Saidi. The Lord has been so good!
Recently, we have been working on a new office and printing room, as well as a maintenance workshop and store. Although it wasn’t possible to get these completed in the run-up to MGO 2022, we were thankful that the immediate priority of running water and a working toilet was accomplished – much to the relief of the visiting ladies, and some of the gentlemen too! We’re praying that both of these important structures will be finished soon.
Work continues apace on various aspects of the project at Saidi.
The Office (temporary apartment) & Print room has been roofed and first fix electrical and plumbing work done. The “scratch coat” will be plastered next week and should be ready for installation of windows and doors at the start of the following week (DV), with the plaster finish to follow thereafter. During the past week we placed an order for a 3KVA Solar PV system to provide the necessary power and are looking forward to it being installed as soon as possible.
Acts 28:13 records how after many winds of adversity, at last the south wind blew, speeding Paul and his companions toward their desired destination. Several recent trips to Malawi had their share of difficulty and disappointment (all in the Lord’s purpose). However, I am thankful that, apart from a 24 hour delay in Frankfurt on the outbound journey, everything went smoothly, if a bit slower than I’d hoped (the M-factor!) on my latest trip.
The activities of the Trust continued to be seriously affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic for a significant portion of the year. Nevertheless, we are grateful that as travel restrictions began to ease, it was possible for Stephen to visit Malawi twice to review operations there, first in May and again in August.
Stephen’s visit in May was timed to coincide with the arrival in Malawi of Anna Vallance, who has been commended to the work by her assembly in Livonia, MI, USA. It has been a pleasure to welcome her. Her dedication to the work and devotion to the Lord will undoubtedly strengthen the team, particularly as she has joined the Board of the Malawi operation.
We have much to thank the Lord for as we review progress of the building work at Saidi so far. Thanks to the hard work of the building team, and brother Goodson’s diligent oversight, a lot has been accomplished since we started less than two years ago.
Although we recently had to make adjustments to our schedule for the Saidi Development Project, we are still encouraged by the progress made so far.
We are grateful for Brother Goodson’s diligence as he has supervised the work, and for the energy and skill of the building team who have done so much with limited resources, but much hard work and African improvisation.
The deteriorating economic situation in Malawi means that we must plan for the possibility of an upsurge in crime. Consequently we have decided that we need to prioritise improving security above additional building work.