

Angel, the newest member of the team in Malawi, explains why the sense of purpose helps her enjoy her new role.

Recorded October 2023


My name is Angel Grace Kapito and I am from Malawi.  

And what keeps you busy? What work do you do?  

I work in the finance and admin department.  So everything to do with, balancing accounts and requests  and payments administration.  That’s what keeps me busy.  

And, how have you found it so far?  

It’s been great. I love the sense of family.  Definitely lots of love and  it makes the workload very easy.  I love the people around.  Everybody is very friendly and I love the sense of purpose.  

Thank you very much.  

Thank you.

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Harold explains why he’s so enthusiastic about MGO – it has opened so many doors

Recorded October 2023


2023 MGO was just like any other MGO – special in such a way that MGO’s are always different but this time we think of the MGO that was with the few people that participated and we were just thinking of how I was going to try and do what we have been doing in the past with the the few of us

But like Gideon we were able to see that the Lord is not very much interested in the numbers but the commitment and the trust that we have in him

He is able to do [the same that] he can do with many people with a few people

And so 2023 MGO was such a great encouragement to to me because we saw the Lord did a lot through a few people who were committed to do the job

I was encouraged with the order we have seen especially when it came to the kids the Children’s Day there was good order and it was such an encouragement to see lots of children sitting under the Word of God and listening attentively

I think the Lord gave much help and so I was really encouraged to see that many children

MGO is a vehicle which has opened so many doors when it comes to service to the Lord we just pray that the Lord will continue to not just open these doors but we take time to fully utilize those doors

There are school programs that have been opened because of MGO

There are hospital visits and time of gospel in the hospitals that was opened because of MGO also prisons such an important place to be to preach the gospel to prisoners

The Lord through MGO has been able to open so many doors

And we pray that the Lord will help us to fully take advantage of spreading the gospel strategically in these places

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Goodson explains how the building works at Saidi have already been so helpful. He asks brothers and sister to pray about the future needs of the Building project

Recorded October 2023


For all the buildings here it’s encouraged me because right now we have a printing room an office now we have our stores so you’ll see the container there and also we have the Msasa

So all these houses [are] help[ing] us

People they need to pray for us because we have so many works here we are looking for the gospel hall that we plan to start the building I’m not sure if we can start this year but we plan to start the gospel hall

So people they need to pray about this myself I cannot do anything myself so I believe in the fellowship If we can work together we can manage to do something

So everyone who have a chance to help and work of the Lord here in Malawi It is a good time to take part

And I pray for other brothers and sisters who was not here in Malawi even other countries remember Malawi sometimes when you are gathered together to pray

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Anna shares progress on the Bible Time Chichewa Translation Project

Recorded October 2023


We’re continuing with translation and revision of the Bible time curriculum and we’ve just about completed the first year. We need to do some revisions now. We’ve been testing it out with the kids here and found some activities work some don’t.

We’re also about halfway through the second year’s worth of material.

There’s still some things that need to be tweaked and adjusted but overall I see it has a lot of potential for use in teaching children the gospel.

So I think it’s a good tool that can be really useful in reaching children throughout Malawi.

Pray for continued help with the translation and revision and just wisdom and direction to know how to take this area of the work forward.

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Harold shares about the trauma of his robbery last year.

Recorded October 2023

Note: Please remember Harold and his family in prayer. This incident followed and equally traumatic experience in March 2023. Harold and family feared for their lives as their home was caught in the gap between two major mudslides during Cyclone Freddy.

In March 2024, Harold had a further upset when he was mugged in Lilongwe


My name is Harold Makawa from Njuli and working with SALT.

What happened recently with my family was so horrible. Armed robbers came. That was on the 18th of September. Monday night around 11:00 the robbers came fully armed with guns and they banged our doors but they were not able to break the doors so they resolved to break the wall.

In the meantime we tried to call for help but help didn’t come until they came to where we were.

They were really looking for money and we didn’t have any money in the house.

We are so grateful that they left after 2.5 hours or so.

Just to say briefly about the Lord’s preservation and providence. The Lord knew what was coming. We didn’t know what was coming.

I had some literature I wanted to take to our depots in Mulanje and Chikwawa so I was just keeping them in the house.

When the thieves came the robbers came. They pulled all the boxes and all of the the the bags and they were just opening and Bibles and tracts everywhere. And so we see that in that in itself the Lord was able to speak to them about who we were.

And so yeah the Lord preserved our lives because we’ve heard cases where people have been attacked by robbers and they have been so much hurt or cut by panga knives [machetes].

But we are so grateful to the Lord that they didn’t beat us. They didn’t even hit us but all they did was just to demand the money from us.

So we saw that the Lord so much preserved us.

Talking about myself and my family when it comes to people praying for us we We we are so traumatized still because of what happened. It’s not easy to live with the mind that you are the target of thieves in an area. And so we just think of what is before us in terms of the Lord’s work and we feel somehow discouraged but we just request that the people be praying for us that despite what has happened the Lord will help us to continue on and never be discouraged.

Brother Goodson shares why he’s so encouraged with the spiritual progress at Saidi

Recorded in October 2023


The spiritual work here at Saidi is going up because we started with a small small team [group] but right now we have a large number So we praise the Lord because there’s spiritual [work] is going up And right now we plan to have next baptism at the last week of this October So I’m very encouraged Very encourage Because I [didn’t] believe maybe we can find the people as we see right now so I’m very encouraged because I see that Lord himself is [bringing] the people to us We need to pray for the work of the Lord here Because every time we we meet with the challenges as you know here in Malawi people is very suffer with the hunger and other problems here so we’re looking [after] the spiritual And also we’re looking [after] the body of the people so we need to pray [for] the work of the Lord here

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One year on, team members share their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities of Cyclone Freddy.

Recorded in October 2023


After the Cyclone Freddy happened we visited so many camps preaching the gospel and giving out some flour as a relief measure

So that has also been an eye opening to me as regards to the problems that people face when it comes to disasters like this

Initially the work started with would I say it immediate response relief. So distributing food to the camps. And with that distribution also sharing the gospel with people. But in the recent months it’s been more about rebuilding the houses of some whose homes fell during the storm.

From the time that we met with the problem of the cyclone Freddy we started to visiting in to the different camps and also we share the food and right now we are rebuilding the houses for the few families and we are already finishing nine houses

The great part of Cyclone Freddy is that we were able to visit as many people and preach the gospel in an environment where the hearts are so ready to receive the gospel in the camps that we’ve been trying to visit we are the only organization that has been able to make an impact both spiritual and physical

We’ve been able to go there and preach the gospel on a weekly basis some organizations just visited the camps once and gave them like five kgs of maize

Very encouraging because when the brothers and sisters from other countries when they listen the problem here in Malawi they take part to help us

So this is [a] very [great] encouragement And I pray for the sisters and brothers who will take the part to help us here in Malawi

And also I ask them to continue to help us because we have still a problem here

It’s been a good opportunity to share the love of Christ in a practical way. We’ve gotten to know some people that we wouldn’t know otherwise. The situation is not over and we’re in for a really bad couple of months because of the destruction of crops from the cyclone.

And the needs aren’t going away. They’re just getting more and more. So pray for wisdom discernment and kind hearts. Caring hearts.

Because it can be overwhelming.

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