

Brother Stephen is due to fly to Malawi on 24th Feb, Brother Jim a little over a week later on 4th March. Please pray that both will remain infection free and have a negative Covid test to enable them to travel. With so much Covid around, it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid infection.

Please also pray that the Lord will bless their trip. Following the fire at Saidi, there will need to assess the damage and make plans for reconstruction, as well as the further development of the project site, as well as reviewing other important aspects of the work.

Brother Stephen plans to depart on 24th Feb for his first 2022 trip to Malawi.

Brother Jim plans to join Stephen the following week, Lord willing.

This visit will be mainly practical. There are plans to be made for the rebuilding of the msasa and further developments on the site, as well as long-overdue visits to be made to meet the prison authorities.

They also plan to visit relief programs in Lilongwe and Dzaleka.

Please pray for them as they make preparations, and while they are away – for a safe and profitable trip, for the glory of God.

Brother Stephen (Harper) flies to Malawi from Dublin on 11th November, Brother Bill (Williams) from Washington on 14th, and Brother Jim (McMaster) from Newcastle on 17th.

Please pray that each with enjoy safe and hassle-free travel and that their time in Malawi will be profitable.


Bro Jim had to cancel his visit due to Covid-related issues at home

Please pray for a resolution to problems involving both our Toyota Landcruiser and Isuzu Pickup:

  • Stephen has sourced a reconditioned Brake Master Cylinder & Brake Booster which he plans to take to Malawi in November. Pray that it will arrive safely & that it will solve the braking issue
  • The Isuzu is still off the road having undergone an engine overhaul. The mechanic is very unresponsive to requests for an update.

The team met yesterday to plan for our first big event at Saidi.

On 20th November we plan to invite members of the various Bible study groups, builders and tradesmen working on the site, local dignitaries and others for an open day to hear a Gospel presentation and learn more about our plans.

It’s hoped that the UK trustees of SALT will be represented by Stephen and Jim.

An initial guest list suggests we could have as many as 500 present, so please pray for the planning involved.

Brother Stephen has just returned from a most encouraging visit to Malawi – his first since February 2020. The main reasons for this trip were (1) to help Anna (Vallance) get settled into her new home and environment, (2) to “eyeball” the project site at Saidi for the first time (Bros. Harold & Goodson had been our eyes and ears through the entire process of buying the land), and (3) to meet and encourage many of SALT’s partners in the work in Malawi. With the gracious help of the Lord, Stephen was able to accomplish what he set out to do.

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It’s always a joy to stop at Dedza Pottery – one of my favourite spots, anywhere – to break the journey between Lilongwe and the south. The air is cool, they do the best Chicken Curry for miles around, and we’ve been enjoying Dedza Delights with great Malawian coffee since first we came to the country. A great watering hole.

This time was particularly special as we met with a group of brothers from Chidewere, some of whom have attended our Bible Teaching conferences, and who have started to gather together for Bible study and prayer.

These dear men were anxious to begin functioning as a Scriptural assembly, and over lunch we were able to point out the simple principles upon which the early disciples met together – Receiving the Word, Baptism, the Apostles’ Doctrine, Fellowship, Breaking Bread & Prayers.

It was a real thrill to learn a few days ago that they have since begun to break bread together is accordance with the New Testament pattern.

This morning (11 August) we went to a small church about 1/2 hr away. Stephen was asked to give ministry to the believers, and a local elder was responsible to preach the Gospel. It was very disappointing to hear him preach that salvation is by continuing to do good works – going against everything our faith is founded on – that salvation is not by works but by grace alone. Although they call themselves a Gospel Hall, they are clearly missing first base. Apparently this is a very common error throughout Malawi.

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On our way to Dedza prison today we saw a large truck that had just rolled over. The people of the village thought it was their lucky day as it was full of beer and they were going crazy removing all unbroken bottles, free of charge! For some distance after the accident we saw people carrying their loot away in a big hurry. Strangely on our way home the area was very quiet. I was a bit concerned that the people were more concerned about the loot than the driver and I sure hope no one was crushed under it as people walk and bike along the roads.

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