

Recently Stephen posted about Nthawi ya Baibulo, the Chichewa version of Bible Time. We were greatly encouraged to receive the first fully designed lessons! Though there remains a significant amount of work, we are excited about the potential of the curriculum.

Since translation and publishing work is a big part of what we do at SALT, I thought it might be helpful to give an idea of the steps that we have to take to get to the point of publishing translated material.

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Although Stephen & Jim have been frustrated not to be able to travel as they had planned, nevertheless they have witnessed the Lord’s over-ruling hand.

On Saturday afternoon they had a “chance meeting” with a Christian Malawian couple at the B&B where they are staying. In conversation it became clear that they are able and willing to help with several practical aspects of the work we are engaged in, and we thank the Lord for the opportunity to meet them. It’s amazing to see how the Lord often brings some blessing out of our frustrations.

Jim & Stephen would appreciate prayer for the remaining days of their trip, and for safe and trouble-free homeward travel on Thursday (DV)

Yet another breakdown has interrupted their plans and prevented them from visiting projects in the Central region during the past week.

On Tuesday the entire team is due to meet for a meeting to review progress and plan for the future. There are many matters ro discuss. Please pray that this will be a very fruitful meeting.

Yet another trip has been interrupted by a breakdown and Brother Stephen asks that we pray particularly about the persistent vehicle trouble that has beset the work for some time now. This has resulted in a lot of stress and much wasted time.

Stephen had been having problems with his Isuzu truck vehicle for a couple of years, but 3 years ago, it overheated and had been in the workshop since. It has had a replacement block and cylinder head, but it’s still overheating and unable to be used.

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Brother Jim has arrived safely to join Brother Stephen for the remainder of his visit to Malawi.

The purpose of the visit is to encourage the workers here and to review the various activities and programs which the Trust supports. They will will spend Lord’s day with the assembly at Bethel (Blantyre), moving to Zomba district Mon-Wednesday, where they will visit the site at Saidi and some cyclone victims. Then they plan to travel to Lilongwe and Dzaleka (Central Region) for the latter part of the week to review the work among street kids and refugees  respectively.

Please pray for journeying mercies, insight and much wisdom, Continue to pray that the Lord will abundantly bless the many souls who regularly hear the Gospel.

Brother Stephen asks that we join in giving thanks for journeying mercies and a safe and uneventful arrival in Malawi on Friday morning.

He aims to spend the next three weeks encouraging the workers there, reviewing SALT’s various programs, and making plans for the months ahead, in the Lord’s will.

Stephen & Jim will appreciate your prayers regarding their imminent visit to Malawi. Stephen is due to depart on Thursday 24th Feb, and Jim on Friday 4th March.

Please pray:

  1. That both Stephen & Jim remain Covid-free prior to and during their trip to avoid and complications with their travel plans
  2. For travelling mercies in the air and on roads made more dangerous by recent extreme weather.
  3. For wisdom as they plan future development of the site at Saidi, the response to the damage caused by Storm Ana, and SALT’s ongoing Gospel outreach efforts.