

Irving & Sheryl proceeded to Chitokoloki, Zambia from Malawi and have been visiting with Shawn & Rhonda Markle and family.

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-22 at 11.11.46

They have been visiting some local Christians to give some food relief.

Safe home, guys!

This trip to Malawi has been very precious in so many ways. It was a real joy to serve the Lord in a small way with this MGO team in Malawi. What a wonderful opportunity to tell precious souls of the love of our Heavenly Father. We have so much to praise the Lord for.

After reflecting about this trip on our return home, I think the bible verse that seems so fitting is, ‘But, as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord’ (Joshua 24 v 15). A call, followed by that choice to serve the Lord has been made by individuals who are serving the Lord in various places. Hearing their experiences of how the Lord has provided for every need first hand, has really been so encouraging and the faith they have shown in our Lord has been refreshing. How often do we get dismayed by the day to day activities and forget why we are on this earth and who we are here to serve?

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Each successive MGO generates its own special memories and MGO 2019 has been no exception.

We’ve had an outstanding team of different, but complementary personalities, all of whom have made a very positive contribution to the overall effectiveness of this outreach.

Many have made significant sacrifices of time, energy and expense to be with us, and we appreciate their efforts enormously.

Most are now home (some after marathon journeys) or enroute like ourselves, and we will all value your prayers for journeying mercies for those who still have some miles to cover, either by road or air.

Remember Anna and Ruthie with a long, bumpy ride back to Sakeji (Zambia) and Irv and Sheryl visiting with the Markles in Chitokoloki.

MGO has been challenging and encouraging to me, both of which are personal answers to prayer!

Visiting the prison today (Tues 13th) was emotional for me for many reasons, but I didn’t expect to actually cry and I did a few times during the gospel message that Jim shared with the the men and women there. I watched one male prisoner specifically because when Jim first stood up to speak I noticed he laughed and continued talking to his friends. But as the message of the gospel continued I watched the prisoner’s face become very focused, he stopped joking around and seemed to really listen to what Jim and Harold were saying.

Obviously, I don’t know what that man was thinking or feeling, but just to watch his change in attitude as he heard the gospel was a great personal reminder of the power of God’s word!

(Contributed by Ruthie)

(This is a true story, but the identity of the individuals involved has been deliberately obscured for their protection.)

We had a really moving experience at the refugee camp.

We were visiting a refugee orphanage run by a Christian couple within the camp. Wow! How the Lord is using the husband and wife in such awful circumstances. He was a government official in his previous country who couldn’t condone or carry out the killings by the President. An assassination on his life was attempted and he narrowly escaped death several times during his escape. He got separated from his wife for a while and sadly she got raped and beaten.

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This morning (11 August) we went to a small church about 1/2 hr away. Stephen was asked to give ministry to the believers, and a local elder was responsible to preach the Gospel. It was very disappointing to hear him preach that salvation is by continuing to do good works – going against everything our faith is founded on – that salvation is not by works but by grace alone. Although they call themselves a Gospel Hall, they are clearly missing first base. Apparently this is a very common error throughout Malawi.

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On our way to Dedza prison today we saw a large truck that had just rolled over. The people of the village thought it was their lucky day as it was full of beer and they were going crazy removing all unbroken bottles, free of charge! For some distance after the accident we saw people carrying their loot away in a big hurry. Strangely on our way home the area was very quiet. I was a bit concerned that the people were more concerned about the loot than the driver and I sure hope no one was crushed under it as people walk and bike along the roads.

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Whenever I come to Malawi, what strikes me is the thousands of children who have an open ear for the gospel.

There is so much potential, if only someone will come and pour the word of God into their precious hearts.

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