

During a recent visit, we met with the women participating in the skills training project at Dzaleka Refugee Camp to better understand how the project is progressing and the impact they feel it will have in their lives. We met with 26 women who are participating in the project which is training them in tailoring, knitting and batik crafts to help generate employment and alleviate poverty. Some of the women are widows and others are young mothers. In addition to the women staying at the camp, there are also two Malawian women benefitting from the project. Overall, the participants are very engaged, and they shared positive feedback and expressed gratitude about being involved in it. 

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What a blessing to be back with the brothers and sisters in Malawi!

I arrived in time to join the monthly get together of workers at Goodson’s house at the Saidi project site. It’s a joy to see how well the team is gelling. It’s obvious that the Lord of the Harvest has brought His labourers together in His harvest field.

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A couple of months back the authorities in Malawi gave the green light for schools to resume after several months of Coronavirus lockdown.

Although the pupils and staff at COOM academy welcomed this news, the extra conditions concerning social distancing necessary because of Covid-19 presented an impossible burden for them.

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