


Anna writes: Please pray that our visit to Dzaleka and Divine Touch (Street Kids’ Feeding Program) will be a blessing and encouragement to them and that the Lord will watch over us as we travel.

Note: Anna and Wati will be travelling this incoming week to monitor the progress of the Bibletime work at Dzaleka, as well as the various relief programs SALT supports there and in Lilongwe. In recent months the Government has been forcibly returning immigrants to the camp, exacerbating the overcrowding there.

During the past week we had the following reports from William (Dzaleka) and Edward (Lilongwe):

Please remember Anna & Wati who are presently busy with the Children’s Outreach at Dzaleka. Due to increasing numbers, they will run two 2-day camps, the first of which started on Sunday.

Each day, the children will take part in various activities and learn about the “Christmas story”. Most of these children come from very disturbed backgrounds, and it is a great opprtunity to be able to reach them with the Gospel.

Pray that Anna & Wati will be preserved in body & spirit, and that they will have the stamina for what will be a truly exhausting week.

We posted some photos of the first day here.

Concerning the Christmas program at Dzaleka, Anna writes: “Please pray for grace, strength and safety as Wati and I anticipate two two-day kids’ camps at Dzaleka next week. Please pray that the gospel will be central.

“Please also pray for the Lord to continue to use Bibletime in the refugee camp to bring many to the Saviour.”

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Acts 28:13 records how after many winds of adversity, at last the south wind blew, speeding Paul and his companions toward their desired destination. Several recent trips to Malawi had their share of difficulty and disappointment (all in the Lord’s purpose). However, I am thankful that, apart from a 24 hour delay in Frankfurt on the outbound journey, everything went smoothly, if a bit slower than I’d hoped (the M-factor!) on my latest trip.

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Stephen & Harold have been on the road for several days last week, supplying Gospel literature and visiting the projects SALT has an interest in at Lilongwe and Dzaleka.

At Mchesi, Lilongwe, around 300 street kids and vulnerable adults receive a simple but nutritious meal daily. Without it, most would have to scavenge or starve. It was a joy to be able to share the Gospel with them as they waited for their food on Thursday afternoon.

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The activities of the Trust continued to be seriously affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic for a significant portion of the year. Nevertheless, we are grateful that as travel restrictions began to ease, it was possible for Stephen to visit Malawi twice to review operations there, first in May and again in August.

Stephen’s visit in May was timed to coincide with the arrival in Malawi of Anna Vallance, who has been commended to the work by her assembly in Livonia, MI, USA. It has been a pleasure to welcome her. Her dedication to the work and devotion to the Lord will undoubtedly strengthen the team, particularly as she has joined the Board of the Malawi operation.

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Wati reminds us to please continue to pray for the women who recent completed the skills training at Dzaleka.

Our aim was to equip them to earn an honest living to help lift them from the poverty trap which often leads to prostitution and other vice. Pray for wisdom as we go forward – to know how best to help further as they try to establish small businesses. Especially pray that the the investment in their physical needs will lead to even further opportunities to bring the Gospel to them and their families.

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It was lovely to have Gail’s company in Malawi for a couple of weeks

I love Malawi. I’ll take every opportunity to visit Malawi. But I hope I never have to visit again in the circumstances that made this present trip necessary.

As regular readers know, sister Anna recently suffered a very traumatic burglary and assault at her home. The trustees agreed unanimously that Gail and I should travel to Malawi at the earliest opportunity to support her through this crisis. We also felt it appropriate to review and improve the security of our people and property in Malawi in light of what had happened.

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The first group of ladies in the 6-month skills training program at Dzaleka Refugee Camp will graduate on 30 April, Lord willing.

We established the program to help foster mothers and vulnerable women at Dzaleka learn sewing, embroidery and knitting skills. As a result, we hope that the women will manage to provide for themselves and their families. Extreme poverty means that many women in the camp resort to prostitution to survive.

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